DIABETES MELLITUS (Is of 2 types – TYPE 1 & TYPE 2) यह दो तरह की होती है :
It is a nutritional disorder, characterized by an abnormally elevated level of blood glucose and excretion of the excess glucose in the urine. It results from absolute or relative lack of insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism as well as Fat and Protein metabolism. When this happens, the body is unable to get sugar from the blood into the cells.
- TYPE 1 – AUTOIMMUNE / JUVENILE / Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) बचपन से होने वाली डायबिटीज–
It often begins in childhood. Genes might cause this type of diabetes in which insulin producing cells of the pancreas are damaged. So the pancreas make little or no insulin.
- TYPE 2 – INSULIN RESISTANCE / adult onset diabetes / Non – insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) बड़ो में होने वाली डायबिटीज–
It happens when pancreas create little insulin or it may be due to insulin resistance. It has become more common in children and teens over the past years largely because more young people are overweight.
About 90% of people with diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes and is often milder than type 1.
- GESTATIONAL DIABETES (गर्भवती महिलाओं में होने वाली डायबिटीज) –
It occurs when there is a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. Hormone changes during pregnancy also affect the action of insulin which brings about high blood glucose levels. Doctors often spot it in middle or late pregnancy.
- Polyuria (पेशाब ज़्यादा और बार बार आता है )
- Polydipsia (पानी की प्यास ज़्यादा लगती है )
- Polyphagia (भूख ज़्यादा लगती है)
- Doesn’t put on weight ( वज़न घटने लगता है )
- Extreme fatigue (बहुत जल्दी थक जाना)
- Wounds do not heal quickly (कोई भी चोट ठीक होने में ज़्यादा समय लगता है)
Women with diabetes can have symptoms like urinary tract infection, yeast infection, dry itchy skin. (बार बार यूरिन इन्फेक्शन होता है)
- Blood Sugar Fasting (F)
Normal Range : 80 – 120 mg / 100ml of blood
- Blood Sugar 2 hours after meal ( Post prandial)
Normal Range : 180mg and above / 100ml of blood
- HbA1c (As per ADA) यह सबसे ज़रूरी ब्लड टेस्ट है , इसे ३-४ महीने में ज़रूर कराये
- Non-diabetic Adults 4 – 5.6 %
- Pre-Diabetes at risk 5.7 – 6.4 %
- Diagnosing DM >=6.5%
- Lipid profile
- Kidney function test
- Urine routine and microscopic
- Routine Eye checkup
- Hereditary
- Called “Prosperity disease” caused by over-eating and consequent obesity. Not only over-eating of sugar and refined CHO but also proteins and fats which are transformed into sugar if taken in excess.
- Grief , worry, anxiety have deep influence on metabolism.
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Pre-existing medical illness like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides.
(सुबह उठने पर) Upon rising:
- 1 glass of lukewarm water with fresh lemon juice with honey/ stevia.
- After 30 mins to 1 hour take 1 glass of bottleguard (lauki) juice or petha (white ashguard) juice.
(बालभोग से पहले) Before Breakfast (8 AM):
- 6 Almonds, 1 walnut , 6 Kaale munakke , Green Tea,
- Seeds – melon seed/pumpkin seeds/ flax seeds (any two seeds) .
(बालभोग) Breakfast (9:30 AM):
- Any fresh seasonal fruit (with exception banana, mango, chiku, grapes).
- Fresh milk , Poha , Dalia , Oats/moong daal/besan cheela with veggies,
- Idli (oats/ suji) + sambhar + chutni, Dhokla ( Besan/ moong dal),
- vegetable parantha , sprouts, kaala chana.
Mid meal (12 AM):
Any one fruit (seasonal) ( guava, papaya, watermelon, apple, muskmelon, pear, anaar, sarda, plum, peaches)
(दोपहर का भोजन) Lunch (2 PM):
- Seasonal Salad (cucumber, onion, tomato, carrot, beet root(chukundar), radish, broccoli).
- Dal/ Home made paneer
- Seasonal Vegetable [ like karela, patta gobhi, baigun, parwal, bhindi, gajar, gobhi, mix veg, beans, onions, methi, palak, bathua, soya, saag; avoid Potato and sweet Potato (shakarkandi)]
- Curd/Buttermilk
- Roti Preferably
Mid After meal :
Any one seasonal fruit ( Papaya/ pear /musk melon) OR Vegetable Soup
(रात का भोजन ) Dinner (8 PM) :
Lauki/Torai/ Kachcha Papita sabzi / Mix veg soup + roti.
(रात को सोने से पहले ) Bed Time :
1 cup of fresh milk
(प्राकृतिक चीज़ें जो इन्सुलिन को बढ़ाती हैं) EXCELLENT NATURAL SUBSTITUE FOR INSULIN:-
- String Bean Pod Tea
- Cucumber
- Onion
- Garlic in low blood sugar in DM
- Karela
- Jamun
DO’s (ये खायें):
- Citrus fruits (orange, masumbi, Amla, lemon) contain manganese (Mn) which is vital in production of natural insulin . Mn is also found in outer covering of nuts, grains, green leaves of edible plants.
- Zinc, B Complex ,vitamins are important.
- WALKING IS THE BEST MEDICINE. Walk 30 minutes, two times a day.
- Exercising, yoga, pranayama, jogging, light games, swimming are really essential.
- Take frequent and small meals.
- Remove minor worries from daily life. Be easy going. No stress and strain. Be happy and relaxed.
- Monitor you blood sugar levels regularly both fasting and 2 hours after the meal. Also get your HBA1C checked every 3 months.
- Get enough sleep.
- Loose some weight if you are overweight.
DONT’s (ये नहीं खायें) :
Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, fat, oil, Carbohydrates, White Bread, White Flour (Maida) products, Sugar, tinned fruits, sweets, chocolates, pastries, pies, puddings, bakery items, alcoholic drinks, refined cereals.
- Uranium nitricum
- Acid phos
- Helonias
- Natrum sulp 3x
- Syzygium jambolanum Q
- Gymnema Sylvester Q
- Cephalendra Indica Q
- Diabonil liquid by SBL company
The Indian Government has approved BGR-34 Tablets as helpful in regulating blood glucose level, reducing the level of glycosylated Haemoglobin and Facilitates healthy functioning of the pancreas.
General Ayurvedic treatment for Prameha – Diabetes
- Vasantakusumakara Rasa : These tablets are classical remedy for DIABETES.
How to take it : VK rasa (1 tablet morning and 1 tablet in evening) with Giloy water (30 ml). - Gokshuradi Guggulu : (2 tablet morning and 2 tablet in evening)
- Chandraprabha Vati : (2 tablet morning and 2 tablet in evening)
– Powder 2 tablets of Gokshuradi Guggulu and 2 tablets of Chandraprabha Vati and gulp with Chandanasava 15 ml of this medicine with 15 ml water. (These are effective against the renal complication and urinary discomfort due to diabetes). - Sarivadyasava 15 ml of medicine with 15 ml of water to be consumed after meals breakfast and dinner. (For skin disorders due to diabetes.)
To be taken as prescribed by your Ayurvedic physician.
COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES (शुगर से, शरीर में होने वाले नुक्सान)
Diabetes can affect every part of the body including the skin, eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart.
- चमड़ी के रोग जैसे फोड़े , फुंसियाँ, कार्बुन्क्ल , फंगल इन्फेक्शन जल्दी जल्दी होना या फिर ठीक होने में लमबा समय लगना
- महिलाओं में मूत्र और प्रजनन नलिका में इन्फेक्शन होना
- नज़र में धुंधलापन, आखों के आगे जाला आना (floaters), पास का पढ़ने में दिक्कत , नज़र कमज़ोर, काले धब्बे दिखना
- हाथ और पाँव में चीटियाँ चलना, सुनपन, आग निकलना,
- शरीर में झटके आना और कमज़ोरी महसूस होना
- पेशाब में झाग आना, जलन होना
शुगर से सम्बंधित आपका कोई भी प्रशन हो तो आप उसे comment box में डाल सकते हैं।
बहुत अच्छा ब्लॉग है भगवान जी,आपके अनंत अनंत शुकराने हैं, आप हर पल हर तरह से संभाल करते हैं राधें राधें भगवान जी
राधे राधे भगवान जी, इतना डिटेल्स कहीं नहिं मिला। यह एक complete pachage हैं। आपको वंदन हैँ नमन हैँ। आजकल डायबिटीज़ तो हर दूसरे मेंबर को हैं। इसको ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करना चाहिए जिससे सभी को लाभ मिले। shukrane हैँ गुरु भगवान जी के
Very informative msg it cleared every doubt regarding diabetes….gud information abt yoga too.. shukarne ji ??
Anant Anant Shukrane Bhagwanji. Much awaited blog . Very useful and informative.
From causes to remedies including asanas Everything is very well explained!! Thankyou to our mentor for sharing this knowledgeable article with us…
पहले धनी और बूढ़े लोगों की बीमारी कहलाने वाली diabetes अब बहुत common हो गई है जिसका उम्र से संबंध लगभग खत्म हो रहा है ।
समय से जानकारी होना ही बचाव है ।
गुरु भगवान एवं गुरु माँ के अनंत शुकराने हैं जो इस आर्टिकल के द्वारा सम्पूर्ण व सटीक जानकारी दी है ।
गुरु भगवान् जी गुरु माँ जी के श्री चरणों में शत शत नमन कोटि कोटि शुकराने आपके प्रेम करूणा मेहनत के बारम्बार शुकराने हे नाथ आप चहूँ मुखी विकास कर रहें है,हम सब को इतनी अच्छी जानकारी देते रहते है।व्यायाम,प्राणायाम,diet , होमियोपैथिक तथा अअरियुवेडिक दवाईयों की लाभदायक जांनकारी देने का शुकराना।
Very useful compilation for sugar patients
What should be if arthritis is also there as cold things create problems
Shulrane bhagwan jee
Aap detailed treatment ke liye
Bhartiy utpadan par
Dr. Rana se consult kare.
As symptoms lene honge properly.
Very good article on diabetes.Causes of disease and various remedies very well explained.Thanks to our mentor.
गुरु भगवान जी , गुरु मां जी को ह्रदय से नमन है।आपने बहुत्अच्छेसे शुगर प्रोब्लम की जानकारी दी है।शुगर के लक्षण बहुत अच्छे से बताए है।उनका होम्योपैथिक उपचार और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार ,भी बताया है।प्राणायाम और योग का हर वीडियो बहुत ही अच्छे से बताया।आपके अनंत अनंत शुक्राने है,आप हर तरह से हमारी संभाल कर रहे है।
This article cleared out the concept of Diabetes so informatively, everything is so well explained with the help of pictures of Yoga Asanas as well which makes it all so easy to understand. Thanks to Our Mentor for sharing this knowledgeable article with us.
बहुत ही लाभकारी जानकारी है।
और बहुत ही अच्छे से समझाया गया है।
आप समय समय पर हमें महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी देते रहते है।
आपको ह्रदय से धन्यवाद है
Bahut hi achey se samjhaya gaya hai.
Exercise,homeopathic medicines,symptoms all points are very well explained and helpful.
Thanks to our mentor.
A very useful and detailed information along with homeopathy and ayurvedic treatments on diabetes.Bhagwan ji Anant shukrane hain…. for the care and concern for everyone.
Diabetes ka bara ma jankari Dana ka liya Guru bhagvanji ka bahut bahut sukrana hamara margdarshan karna ka liya Dil sa sukrana Radha Radha bhagwan ji
Very useful information bhagwan ji
Guru bhagwan ke anant anant shukrane hai
सतगुरु भगवान जी अवम गुरु माँ जी को हृदय से दंडवत नमन है । बहुत ही अच्छी जानकारी दी है शुगर के बारे में और संतुलित आहार के बारे में जानकारी दी और व्यायाम और योगाभ्यास नियमित जीवन में बहुत जरूरी है आप जी के अनन्त शुक्राने है????
Shukrane Gurubhagvaanji aur gurumaaji ke for providing us with so much of useful information in such a compiled and easily understandable form for a better lifestyle.
Bhagvaanji aapki mehnaat aur lagan ke anant anant shukrane hai ??
Bahut kuch bataya diabetes ke liye
Guru bhagvan ji k shukrane hae.
Guru bhagwan ji ke anant shukrane hai.Bahut acchi information hai jo sabhi ke bahut kaam ayegi .Aapki kripa ke anant shukrane hai bhagwan ji.
Very useful information provided by our divine GURU BHAGWAN JI, GURU MAA ji and the whole team. Bhagwan ji aap ke anant anant shukrane hain, aap ne A to Z sabhi cheezen cover ki hain. Symptoms se lekar diet plan, homeopathy medicine, ayurvedic medicines, pranayam, yoga, exercise etc.
Shukrane Bhagwan ji ?
Very useful and vast information for dealing with diabetes.
Guru bhagwan ji ke shukrane hai
Shukrane Guru bhagwan ji. Bahut acchi jaankari ke liye. ??
Radhey Radhey Bhagwan ji
Very informative information about Diabetes, Yoga asana are very effective for our health.
Shurkane to each and every person who are helping us to take care of our health.
Guru Bhagwan ji k anant anant shukrane
Bhagwanji aapke anant shukrane hain
Vey useful article
Yoga,pranayam and food explained nicely
Gurubhagwanji k anant anant shukrane h?
Aap hume ek healthy aur disciplined lifestyle ki taraf bada rahe h aapke anant anant shukrane h
Guru Bhagwanji aur Guru Maa ji ke charno me koti koti naman hain.
Very useful article regarding very common disease diabetes and often taken in light . Its. YOUR DIVINE GRACE , that by following these measures one can easily control his blood sugar levels naturally along with their ongoing medication .
Millions of thanks Guru Bhagwnaji and Guru Maa ji .
Guru bhagwan ji ke anant shukrane hai
Aap ne diabetes ke bare me bhut detail
se samjhaya hai bhut hi helpfull artical hai sare sason bhut achhe se bataye hai
Tenis meals bhi detail me batati hai
Bhagwan ji aap ke iss nishkam prem ko karoro karoro vandan hai
Very helpful post Bhagwan ji with diet plan.
All images are so helpful.
Guru Bhagwan ji ke anant anant shukarane hain.
Diabetes k liye proper diet, yoga n all information details mai dene k liye aapke anant shukrane hain bhagwan ji ?
Guru bhagwan ji ke shukrane hain.The Diet plan mentioned above is very informative and wholesome. A Disciplined life style with proper physical exercise and yoga is very important.Thank you for highlighting the benefits of yoga in our routine.
Guru bhagwanji ke anant anant shukrane. I cannot express my admiration and gratitude in words for sharing so detailed and graspable information about diebeties.
Shukrane Bhagwan ji
Very nice with aasan postures
Anant shukrane Bhagwan ji
Guru bhagwan ji ke anant anant shukrane hai
Jinhone diabetics ke baare me bahut acchi tarah se samjhaya hai
Guru Bhagwanji k anant shukrane hein.
Very useful information to understand and manage diebetis .
Cause , Symptoms , diet plan , Medicines , do’s and dont’s , – everything explained very well. Yoga and prayanam to be done are explained so nicely with pictures.
Guru bhagwan Ji ko naman hain. Bhagwan Ji aapke anant shukrane aapne sugar se related aisi informations di hain jo hme ek healthy life style banane mei bahut help karengi. Yoga aur pranayama ki pics se samjhna bahut easy ho gaya.
Very useful and beautifully compiled article.
Detailed information about a very common disease.
Guru bhagwan ji ke anant anant shukrane hain.
Gurubhagwanji ke shukraane
It’s a very detailed and informative article.
Can be very helpful for diabetic patients
Satguru bhagwan ko naman. There is a query – in the insulin dependant type 2 patients, BGR-34 is effective ? In a seminar I was told that all ayurvedic formulas are not effective for insulin dependant patients.
Guru bhagwan ko naman
BGR-34 has best results in controlling Blood sugar levels of Pre-diabetic patients or Diabetic but non-insulin dependent.
For insulin Dependent patients, we have different panchkarma therapies, and medicines which can help in preventing further complications.
Guru bhagwanji ke shukrane hain
BGR-34 has best results in controlling Blood sugar levels of Pre-diabetic patients or Diabetic but non-insulin dependent.
For insulin Dependent patients, we have different panchkarma therapies, and medicines which can help in preventing further complications.
Guru bhagwanji ke shukrane hain
Guru Bhgwan aapk annant shukrane hn, Aapne bahut ache se detail me information di h. Ghar pr 2 diabtic patients hn.
Aapk dwara di jankari ko ache se Follow krenge.
I am very grateful,thankful for your guidance, Guru Bhgwan ji
Informative and beneficial
Divine Gurubhagwanji ko naman hai.
Very very helpful article to understand about diabetes.
Yoga aasan pictures really helpful.
Type one and two diabetes kya hoti hai ye samaj aaya.
Food and diet column is really good.
Thankyou so much for this beneficial article.
Jinko diabetes hoti hai unko proper guidance chahiye hoti hai.
This article is very important and useful.
Gurubhagwanji k anant Shukrane hain.Bahut accha article hain diabetes per.
Daily diet planner
Yogasanas and Pranayam explained with complete illustration.
Thank you once again Bhagwanji .
Very well presented article Bhagwan ji
Every aspect of the disease is covered beautifully in a very systematic way , using simple language . इससे वे भी लाभ ले पाएंगे जो इस बीमारी के बारे में ज्यादा नहीं जानते ।
आपकी पूरी टीम का हृदय से आभार ?
Guru bhagwanje ke Anant Anant shukrene