Once upon a time food was a happy thing. It was a celebration. Cooking & eating was a celebration. Fried foods & Sweets were made only during occasions. So, they were less & hence we ate with enormous joy & happiness. From harvest to storage to cooking to eating was seen as God’s gift. That’s why, Guru Bhagwan calls the process of preparation, cooking & eating of food as Spiritual sadhana.
Guru Bhagwan says, Food is not intended merely to fulfill the endless demands of our senses of taste & smell. By thinking of God & thanking God for every act we do, even the act of taking food becomes a spiritual exercise.
It is in every culture that food is being worshiped & we pray before we eat. Thus, if we remember the Divine & then start eating, then the food we eat becomes His Gift. Hence, it is stressed that there should not only be personal cleanliness, but also mental & emotional cleanliness during the cooking process.
The physical body is developed & sustained by food. Likewise, the subtle body is also affected by the quality of our food. If we want to live a healthier life, we need to celebrate food. Now a days, we have created anti-thoughts towards food & hence nature has anti-responded accordingly. There are more diseases, more medicines & more sickness than ever before. We find ourselves either malnourished or over-nourished. We eat too much or too little.
Guru Bhagwan explains- We have been looking for solutions outside our body. We should look for solutions within our body. Our body is speaking to us all the time. Once we start communicating with our body, one need not fight with the body, nor fight against the food. Even when our mind (mann) wants another scoop of ice cream, our body is already saying, “I am done.”
Guru Bhagwan says, observe whom do we feed?? THE BODY OR THE MIND (MANN)!!!
We have become guilty & unhappy eaters. We need to celebrate food. We need to worship food. We need to see food with the right emotions. We need to take the road that would take us back to joyful, nourishing & healing avatar of food. That’s when food becomes our medicine, else our medicine becomes our food.
Guru Bhagwan says, “Nutrition basically means eat natural, eat whole & eat everything. Eat consciously & joyfully. Eat with all our senses- seeing, feeling, smelling & tasting every mouthful.”
गुरु भगवान जी एवं गुरु माँ जी के अनंत शुकराने हैं जो इस जीवन , शरीर , मन और भोजन के सम्बंध को सर्वश्रेष्ठ तरीके से समझाया । अब समझ आया कि अन्नप्राशन का भी उत्सव क्यों किया जाता है ।
हृदय से प्रणाम है 🙏