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Freedom By Forgiving

Guru says, forgiveness is the most powerful healer of the world as, when you forgive, you set a prisoner free and that prisoner is you- yourself.


  • An unforgiving mind is hurting you more than it is hurting others.
  • You are the one getting physical ailments like headache, backache, neck pains, stomach ache and joint pains etc.
  • You are the one undergoing stress, resentment, anxiety, tension and depression.
  • It is your own state of peace and health which is suffering.
  • You are always angry wanting to spit the hurtful anger, venom on others.
  • When you forgive, your clutter free mind can see beauty, comfort, care and safety all around.
  • You grow spiritually.
  • Forgiving others give your eyes a beautiful sparkle and strengthens your immune system.

What stops us from being large hearted and forgiving?

Ego is the root cause. It reasons and justifies holding on to the disease causing unforgiving thoughts. Beware of the statements ego gives and doesn’t lets you forgive:-

  • That person has really hurt me. He/She is the reason of my pain, hurt and problems
  • They deserve my anger, withdrawal of love or any other kind of punishment…
  • Only fools forgive. He/She will hurt again…
  • Weak people forgive, Are you weak…?
  • Forgiveness will encourage their wrong behavior…
  • Only people with low esteem forgive. Are you a nobody…?
  • Your forgiveness will make the other person free and out of your control…
  • Keep distance. Ego is the energy of love and friendship…
  • Not forgiving is the best way to take revenge…
  • You have (negative) energy and power when you keep the hurt inside…
  • Forgiving people who hurt, is just stupid..
  • If you forgive, you abandon all sense of security..
  • If you forgive, this means you agree with their wrong behavior…
  • That person should come to you and say sorry then you should think about forgiving….
  • If you forgive, GOD will strike you down…
  • Let’s face it! It’s always her/his fault. Why and how many times should I forgive….?
  • Forgiving means accepting their mistakes? How will they improve and learn if you keep forgiving…?
  • Forgiveness shows you are at the same level with the person who hurts you…
  • Forgiving means you are rejecting GOD’s law of ‘What you give you get back.’ Let God punish him/her..
  • Why should you liberate the other person of their guilt and let them be relaxed? It not right and it’s not that easy…

Whom to forgive or seek forgiveness from?

  • Your parents
  • Spouse (Husband/Wife)
  • Siblings (Brothers/Sisiter)
  • Relatives/ cousins
  • Teachers
  • Religious leaders
  • Government officials
  • Your own physical body
  • Your luck
  • Your stars

The easy ways to forgive and remove obstacles to forgiveness-

Guru says, forgiveness is just a heartbeat away. Be brave, leave the past behind, forgo your ego, FORGIVE and FORGET!!

  • Count your blessings, leaving all the grudges in life.
  • Change your belief system.
  • Be non-judgemental.
  • Forgiveness is a continuous process. Be ready to forgive again and again.
  • Choose to be happy rather than right.
  • Do not be a victim of your own negativity.
  • Forgiveness is not changing the other person. It is letting go of your own conflicting thoughts.
  • The person who has hurt you the most is your biggest spiritual teacher, teaching you love, patience and forgiveness.
  • Share your heart with your mentor or, write it on a piece of paper and burn it. Be free from inside.
  • Forgiveness lightens and enlightens you – forgiving others and yourself helps you being thoughtless and free of the mental garbage. Gentleness and tenderness are the brothers and sisters of forgiveness. Forgiving builds a bridge between you and GOD. It purifies your heart and soul. It opens up all the blockages in the body making you disease free.

A Million thanks to Our Mentor for all the Divine Knowledge and unconditional love….!!!!

This Post Has 55 Comments

  1. Sonia

    Guru bhagwan ji Guru maa ji ko hirdey se koti koti naman hai ?
    Bahut hi helpful article maaf karne k liye ye easy to nahi tha par aapke prem v kripa v sanidhey mai aap hi kara rahe hain ?
    Anant anant shukrane bhagwan ji ?

  2. Sarita Mittal

    गुरु भगवान जी एवं गुरु मां को कोटि कोटि प्रणाम ?? गुरु भगवान श्री युक्तियों को बारिकि से बता रहे जिससे हम सब अपने स्वयं के आनन्द में रहें गुरु भगवान जी हमारे लिए बहुत मेहनत करते ताकि बच्चे माफ करना सीखे और माफी मांगना सब गुरु भगवान जी ही करवा सकते गुरु भगवान में ही पूरी शक्ति है हमें बदल कर प्रेम करना सीखा रहे हैं,आज तक forgive n forget करना सिर्फ किताबों में ही पढ़ा था वास्तविक में गुरु जी ने सिखाया है गुरु की शरण में आने से ही आनंद शन्ति महसूस हो रही है गुरु भगवान जी के अनन्त अनन्त शुक्राने है ??

  3. Geeta

    मेरे परम पूज्य सत गुरु भगवान जी आप जी की ही असीम कृपा से माफ़ करना सीख पाते हैं और अपने आपको relax कर पाते हैं।आप जी के पावन प्रेम के अनंत अनंत शुक्राने शुक्राने शुक्राने शुक्राने शुक्राने शुक्राने ?????❤️??

  4. Surinder bajaj

    सतगुरु भगवान जी अवम गुरु माँ जी को हृदय से दंडवत नमन है ।बहुत ही अच्छी जानकारी दी है कि हमे माफ करना और उसे भूलने की शक्ति भी आप ही दे रहे हैं और नकारात्मक को हटा कर सकारात्मक सोच दे रहे हैं ।आप जी के अनन्त शुक्राने ??

  5. Ananya

    A Million thanks to Our Mentor for all the Divine Knowledge! The point which I really liked is-
    •Forgiving others gives your eyes a beautiful sparkle and strengthens your immune system. ?
    All the points under- What stops us from being large hearted and forgiving are absolutely relatable and true. ??
    आपकी कृपा से सबसे अच्छा solution लगा- Be non-judgemental and Choose to be happy rather than being right.

  6. Ojasvi

    A very healthy read.
    The points in the article are practical to apply and precise. Will surely try to inculcate positivity in our attitudes by forgiving and forgetting past instances and move onto new opportunities and situations with an open heart. Thankyou for such a good read bhagwanji ??

  7. Anju Rana

    Thank you Bhagwan ji for sharing and reminding about forgiveness.
    The reasons for not forgiving and how to overcome it are very well mentioned.
    Shall certainly apply it in daily life.

  8. surinder kumar bajaj

    Satguru Bhagwan ji avm Guru Maa ji ko hridya se dandwat naman hai.aap ji hamey maaf karte hai aur hamey hamey maaf karna bhi sikhate hai.aap hi hamey maafi dena aur maafi lena jivan mai bahut jaruri hai aap ji hamey sikha rahe hai.aap ji ke anant shukrane hai??

    1. Vaishali agrawal ( jaipur)

      Thank you guru bhagwan ji for sharing this article.

  9. Bhawna chitkara

    I think it is not easy to forgive those who hurts u very much..but when u remember ur mentor’s words..u start forgiving people no matter how much they hurt u. Because it gives u inner peace when u forget everything nd forgive ….we start growing spiritually gradually by following guru ji vachans..big thanks to our mentor ??

  10. Shikha Bansal

    Guru bhagwan ji ke anant anant shukrane hai guru bhagwan ji ki krapa se hi hum mapf kar pate hai or sorry bhi bol pate hai yah humare pyaare sadguru bhagwan ji ko hirday se koti koti naman hai ??

  11. Kanchan kapoor

    हमारे पूज्य गुरु भगवान जी व गुरु माँ जी को कोटि-कोटि प्रणाम है। भगवान जी आप ही हमे माफ करते हैं, और हमे माफ़ करना भी सिखाते हैं। माफी देना और माफी लेना शांति भरा जीवन जीने के लिए बहुत जरूरी है।

    सारे शुकराने गुरु भगवान जी आपके ही है जो आप हमें हर बात इतने सरल तरीके से समझाते हैं। भगवान जी बीते वर्ष की गलतियां क्षमा करो भगवान।
    सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयः।
    सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित दुःख भागभवेत।

    गुरु भगवान जी व गुरु माँ जी आपको नव संवत्सर की बहुत सारी नव शुभकामनायें। आप सदा स्वस्थ, प्रसन्न व हम सबका कल्याण खूब लंबे समय तक करते ही रहें भगवान जी। हम सदा आपके सानिध्य-सत्संग के किले में रहें भगवान जी।

  12. Anu

    Atyant sunder.

  13. Pavitra upadhyay

    गुरु भगवान जी को कोटि कोटि नमन है हे नाथ आपकी कृपा से ही हम
    सहन कर पाते हैं और माफ़ करो और भूल जाओ सारी कृपा साडी सामर्थ्य आपकी ही है negativity को ख़त्म करके positivity में लेट हैं आपके प्रेम व् कृपा के अनंत अनंत शुक्र ने हैं

    1. Sonia

      Guru bhagwan ji Guru maa ji ko hirdey se koti koti naman hai ??
      Aapki hi kripa ,prem v sanidhey mai forgive n foget kar pate hain ?
      Itne sunder article se hame aware karne k liye aapke anant anant shukrane ?

  14. Madhu Gaur

    गुरु भगवान को अनंत कोटि नमन है
    कितनी मेहनत लगती है शोध करके एक एक बारीक बात को निकाल कर हमें दे रहे हैं ताकि हमारा जीवन उत्तमं कोटि का , आनंदपूर्ण बन सके
    अनंत शुकराने हैं

  15. Stuti kapoor

    Thankyou GuruBhagwanji for all the Divine knowledge.आप ही हमे इस मन की पहचान देते हैं। माफ करना भी आप ही सीखा रहे है। आपने समझाया forgivness builds a bridge between we and God आप ही सब सिखा रहें हैं। सारे शुक्राने आपके हैं ।

  16. Sonia

    Aapke hi prem or sanidhey se ye gun sambhav hai bhagwan ji har pal aware k liye karoron karoron naman hai ??

  17. Laxmi

    Beautifully explained that forgive and forget is a key to be happy and relaxed. When we forgive others, we start accepting them the way they actually are and start loving them. Thnak you bhagwan ji.

  18. Rashi

    Guru bhagwanji k anant Anant shukarane hai.

  19. Pramod kumar bansal

    गुरु ने समझाया है।
    क्षमा करने के लिए व्यक्ति को अपनी ego से ऊपर उठ कर सोचना पड़ता है जो कि एक कठिन काम है और सिर्फ एक सहनशील व्यक्ति ही इसे कर सकता है।

    अगर क्षमा नाम का परोपकार इस दुनिया में ना हो तो कोई किसी से कभी प्रेम ही नहीं कर पायेगा….
    गुरु जी आपके प्रेम के बहुत बहुत शुक्राने है।

  20. Rekha sandhu

    Guru bhagwan aur Guru maa ko aneko vandan hai…Aapke Anant Anant shukrane hai…Ek Keval Guru hi hume Forgive and Forget karna sikhate hai…Hum to Ego me apne ko right aur dusre ko wrong samajhte hai, maaf to karna hi nahi jaante …Eye & mind opener blog hai ye Bhagwan ji…aapke Anant Ananlt shukrane bhagwan ji…

    1. Bharti

      Very inspiring blog. So beautifully explained. Thank you very much for sharing.

  21. Seema sibbal

    Guru bhagwanje ke Anant Anant shukrene

  22. Bhawna chitkara

    Really no doubt at all.when we angry with sum one..firstly we hurt best way to get rid of this to forgive can be possible only when we r under the supervision of Guru ji..all thanks to our guru bhagwanji ??

    1. Pramod kumar bansal

      गुरु ने समझाया है।
      क्षमा करने के लिए व्यक्ति को अपनी ego से ऊपर उठ कर सोचना पड़ता है जो कि एक कठिन काम है और सिर्फ एक सहनशील व्यक्ति ही इसे कर सकता है।

      अगर क्षमा नाम का परोपकार इस दुनिया में ना हो तो कोई किसी से कभी प्रेम ही नहीं कर पायेगा….
      गुरु जी आपके प्रेम के बहुत बहुत शुक्राने है।

  23. Pramod kumar bansal

    Guru bhagwan ke sukrane hai

  24. Madhu Gaur

    Gratitude from the bottom of my heart to Respected Guru Bhagwan ji and Guru Maa .
    An inspiring and motivating article , beneficial for all but specially for spiritual aspirants .
    Anant shukrane

  25. Rakhee kandhari

    ‘Forgiveness sets you free ‘ really a great point. It’s not a weakness. By forgiving we set ourselves free too from all of agony. Guru bhagwanji ko koti koti shukrane itni sachi samajh done ke liye.

    1. Anu

      गुरुभगवांजी की कृपा से इस आर्टिकल द्वारा ये सीखने को मिला कि हमारा अहंकार,हमारा मन किसी को माफ न करने के अनेक excuses देता है।
      पर इसका इफ़ेक्ट हमारी हेल्थ,हमारी स्पिरिचुअल ग्रोथ पर आता है।
      इसलिए हमे खुद को,व सामने वाले को माफ करके आगे बढ़ना चाहिए।इससे हमारी connectivity भगवान जी से हो जाती है।
      हमारा अन्तःकरण निर्मल हो जाता है।
      हम prison free हो जाते हैं।
      अनंत शुकराने भगवानजी जो इस लेख द्वारा हमारी समझ खोली।

  26. Karuna kamboj (Gurugram)

    ?राधे राधे भगवान जी?
    FORGIVE and FORGET!!कैेसे करना हैे,ये सदगुरु ही सिखाते है।?”मैं भगवान का हूँ भगवान मेरे है”मुझे तो भगवत प्राप्ति करनी है,ये गुरु भगवान ने सिखाया,तभी,Forgive and forget करने की शक्ति आती है?
    गुरु प्रेम के अनन्त शुक्राने है?

    1. Nupur Srivastava

      Very true and motivational as well. ??
      It changed my life. All blessings of my Guru???

      Guru Bhagwan evam Guru maa ke anant-anant shukrane ??

  27. Sonia batra

    Guru bhagwan ke shukrane hai bhagwan ji bahut hi positivity mili article paddkar
    Bhagwan ji article paddkar maaf karne shakti milegi aur hum rise karenge
    Guru bhagwan ko croro croro naman hai

  28. Savita Churiwala

    Guru bhagwan ji ko kotti kotti hirday se vandan hai bhagwan ji bahut hi sundar sunder aur hamare hirday ko shant , pavitr ,shudh kerne wala article hai Forgiveness
    Aap ke prem ke anant shukrane ,

    1. Anju Rana

      All thanks to my Mentor for teaching us how to forgive all and tha Reprucussions of not forgiving. Bhagwan ji after going through the article a sense of peace prevails in the mind and pray to God to give me the strength to forgive which usually is lacking.
      Radhe Radhe Bhagwan ji.

  29. Anjana Dhingra

    Guru bhagwan ji avm Guru maa ji ko hridye se naman hain?aapke koti koti shukrane hain aapne hme forgiveness pr itna sunder artcle dia. Kese forgive krne pr kai diseases theek ho jati hain. Hm dusro ko jb forgive krte hain to khud ki hi aajaad krte hain. Shukria itni upyogi samjh dene ke liye. ????????

    1. Anju Rana

      Guru Bhagwan ji k prem k anant shukrane hain. After going through the article came to know about short comings and how the disease can be eradicated.,…. Through forgiveness. A motivating article,. Bringing about peace of mind.

    2. Anju Rana

      All thanks to my Mentor for teaching us how to forgive all and tha Reprucussions of not forgiving. Bhagwan ji after going through the article a sense of peace prevails in the mind and pray to God to give me the strength to forgive which usually is lacking.
      Radhe Radhe Bhagwan ji.

    3. Anu

      A million thanks if our mentor for this divine knowledge.
      Very motivated article.

  30. Ruchi

    Radhe Radhe, My Adorable Guru Maa and Guru Bhagwanji, my true friend, (a true friend who shows the way to the truth) Thank you very much,
    Bhagwanji, only you are my inner strength The things you told us through this article are very important for our daily life,
    by your grace we know that we are the cause of infinite illness in our body, like….
    * do not forgive the other,
    * irritation inside,
    * To be gilt etc..
    Heartly thanks only by your blessing, we get the strength, from which we can get out from these diseases and forgive all by letting things go.
    You have infinite compassion. By forgiving others by us, you clean our heart and put seeds of Bhagwat love in it. To pave the spritual path to our welfare
    Shukrana Shukrana Shukrana ??????

  31. Sunita khetan

    Bhagwan ji aapki mehant ko shat shat naman hai
    Aapji ne bataya forgiveness purified our heart and soul.
    It makes us disease free. Aapke anant anant shukrane

    1. Bharti

      Heart felt gratitude to Guru Bhagwanji snd Guru maa ji for this beautiful write-up with a beautiful presentation. Thank you very much for telling the benefits of forgiving and leafing a disease free life.
      Very helpful and beneficial blog. This is truly
      a demand of present time.

    2. Raghav

      Shukrane gurubhagwanji ?bahut hi helpful article hai. EGO is root cause of all misery ye point kaafi acha laga. Gurubhagwanji k Shukrane ?

  32. राधा रानी

    गुरु भगवान जी को नमन है।भगवान जी इस आर्टिकल से आपकी कृपा ने यही सिखाया की माफी हमे कमजोर नही बनाती बल्कि lightens न enlightens us तो द राइट पाथ।और यही बात सच्ची है कि माफ करने की शक्ति सिर्फ गुरु भगवान जी से ही मिलती है।अन्यथा forgive n forget सिर्फ क़िताबों की भाषा ही बन कर रह जाती।अनंत शुक्रराने आपके दिव्य प्रेम के।

  33. Mamta mishra

    Gurubhagwanji aapke anant anant shukrane hain.aapne kitne achchi tarah se hame samjhaya ki ham dusron ko maaf karke khud ki kitni help karte hai aur kitne shant ho jate hai.anant anant shukrane bhagwanji.

  34. Surinder bajaj

    Satguru Bhagwan ji aap ji ko hridya se dandwat naman hai.Guru Bhagwan ji aap hi hamey sahi samanjh de rahe hai .bahut hi aache article hai.isme hamey positivity mai la rahe hai.aap ke teh dil se shukrane hai

    1. Ritu bajaj

      Guru bhagwan ji ko sadar naman hai.It is a really good practice for us to forgive others. Forgiving others helps us to get clutter free mind and help us grow spiritually.Forgiving others and forgetting the mistakes helps us to build a special connection with God.Thank you so much Guru bhagwan ji for providing us such wonderful and important articles.We are blessed to have you in our lives.

  35. Manish namdeo

    Guru bhagwan ji aapke anant shukrane hai khub saari positivity bharne ke liye.???

    1. surinder kumar bajaj

      Satguru Bhagwan ji aap ji ko hridya se dandwat naman hai.Guru Bhagwan ji very inspiring blog.aap hi hamey sahi samnjh de rahe hai aap ke anant shukrane hai??

    2. Bhawna chitkara

      I think it is not easy to forgive those who hurts u very much..but when u remember ur mentor’s words..u start forgiving people no matter how much they hurt u. Because it gives u inner peace when u forget everything nd forgive ….we start growing spiritually gradually by following guru ji vachans..big thanks to our mentor ??

  36. Shikha Bansal

    Guru bhagwan ji ke anant anant shukrane hai
    Jo sab baato bhool kar aage badna sikhate hai
    Or neeva or sorry bolna aa jata hai
    Yah guru bhagwan ji ki krapa se hi hum asha kar pate hai radhe radhe bhagwan ji ??

    1. Geeta

      Param pujya Sat Guru Bhagwan ji Karunamai GuruMaa ji k pavan sukomal charan kamlo me dandwat naman h?‍♂️?‍♂️ Aap ji k prem k anant shukrane aap ji ko kabhi bhulu nahi Aap ji ki mahima ko sada sada naman h??????????????

  37. Anu arora

    Divine Gurubhagwanji aapko anaiko dhanywad hai.

    Itne sunder article ke liye aapko charan sparsh karti hu.

    Hum forgive kisey karey
    Kyon karey

    Isme hamara hi laabh hai.

    Kitne achey se aapji ne samjhaya hai.


  38. Ananya

    Thank you for all these words of wisdom, one of the points that I really found relatable is that we should choose to be happy rather than being right, with your grace we have come to understand that our peace of mind is more important than all the grudges that create mental discomfort.
    Thank you for the wonderful article.

  39. Sudha Gupta

    गुरू भगवान के शुक्राने है जो हमारी माफ करके भूलने की शक्ति सामर्थ को बढ़ा कर negativity को खतम करने की शक्ति प्रदान करते हैं।

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